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Another Social Do Gooder Tosser – Australian Childhood Foundation chief Joe Tucci .
This Guy takes the wanker of the year award.
His own Bio:
He has acted as consultant to the Department of Human Services (Victoria) and the Department of Health and Human Services (Tasmania) on a number of child abuse and child welfare evaluative projects. He has demonstrated experience in developing and implementing child focused therapeutic programs and child abuse prevention campaigns.
If you take a look at him he even looks like a tosser.
So Whats the Reason For This Broadside By Me?
Its this photo and his comments and I quote from ninemsn:
A Melbourne bikie has posted a photo of his toddler daughter holding a handgun on his Facebook page.
Australian Childhood Foundation chief Joe Tucci said having the little girl pose with a gun was dangerous and irresponsible.
“She might be frightened by it and she will live with it for a long time,” Mr Tucci said.
“It places her in immediate danger.”
As for shocking Police – in the state with the most amount of Police killings?
Yes Joe it’s totally irresponsible and dangerous. It clearly is a loaded weapon which is certainly not good at all.
As for being damaged and frightened? I dont think so. The kid has probably grown up with guns and simply doesn’t bat an eyelid. Most kids, play cowboys and indians – yes little girls too. They have water pistols and cap guns. Remember the old spud guns? The essential difference between a real and pretend gun is that the real one fires bulletts and can kill. From a psychological point there is none. In play its a pretend gun doing pretend killing.
The only damage that will happen is when idiots like you start wanting to give them counselling and therapy for the damage thats been done to them. Thats when the real damage will be done. Next thing is you will want cowboys and indians outlawed. Get a life you idiot. Guns would be dangerous in the hands of someone like you. Haven’t you heard of the move to bring back sporting shooting into NSW schools? No-one else seems to agree with you Joe.