
Web pages with anything to do with food

Views: 107Take the poll on Starbucks at the bottom please Starbucks isnā€™t just supporting homosexual marriageā€¦they are fighting AGAINST traditional marriage. This is a battle cry. A final assault of Liberalism before Conservatives make homosexual marriage illegal. This is like a Muslim call to prayer. Will you stand and fightRead More →

Views: 89There has been some shall we say “discussion” on removing Vegemite from school canteen kids lunches. There seems to be a claim that it isn’t healthy or some such rubbish. It is in fact one of the healthiest foods around. OK – we are all not happy about theRead More →

Views: 73The popularity of Novamagic has propelled it from the ten millionth to the seven hundred thousandths most popular website in the world in just six weeks. We Need your help – so I have set up the Facebook Novamagic Community to join. We need an army of volunteers doRead More →

Views: 405After an 8 year study a group of respected Chinese scientists from the most prestigious University of Beijing have proven beyond doubt that Islamic testicles are three times more powerful than Viagra at improving male virility and stamina. The testosterone levels are far higher and far more compatible toRead More →

Views: 100KFC Filthy Shops – this isn’t the only one around. An image of a dirty kitchen inside an Adelaide Filthy KFC shop has gained widespread attention after it was posted to social media websites this week. Customer Shane Fergusson captured the image, which shows the KFC filthy shop fastRead More →


Views: 53Golden Circle Beetroot by Heinz. This has gone far enough. Beetroot, dear to the heart of every Australian. No self respecting Aussie would ever consider having a hamburger without beetroot on it. As humble as it is, a wonderful tasting vegetable. Like passionfruit, its something we all love.  Read More →