One Nation

Posts and web pages regarding the One Nation political party in Australia. Pauline Hanson, James Ashby. What a total screw up this piece of work Pauline Hanson really is. The media are treating her as an object of derision and ridicule. Pauline Hanson changes her mind about policy several times a day then fires her candidates for disagreeing with her. She has the uncanny knack of a week out from an election of doing all things possible to lose it. And she does. Her ace puppet Malcolm Roberts has proven to be a laughing stock.

Views: 61The truth of what happened in the Fraser Anning saga – I got this first hand. Pauline Hanson is a liar of the worst kind, something I have always maintained. And I quote: “They wanted him to resign to trigger a casual vacancy so they could put Roberts backRead More →

Views: 83Oh Malcolm Roberts, you really know how to screw up dont you. Between lying about your dual nationality, lying about getting tickets to Trumps inauguration now this. One Nation candidate and former senator criticised for ‘absolutely appalling decision’ not to stand down staffer, who was charged with rape inRead More →

Views: 135Internal wrangling, centralised power, no say by members. all trying to be top dog. This sounds exactly like their opposite number – One Nation which is self destructing for the very same reasons. Interestingly this website has always referred to One Nation as exactly that, the right wing versionRead More →

Views: 76Dear me, does One Nation ever stop to think and see the damage they are doing to themselves? They blew the West Australian election out the door with their behaviour. They are about to do the same in Queensland. I will run book now, they will be very luckyRead More →