One Nation (Page 2)

Posts and web pages regarding the One Nation political party in Australia. Pauline Hanson, James Ashby. What a total screw up this piece of work Pauline Hanson really is. The media are treating her as an object of derision and ridicule. Pauline Hanson changes her mind about policy several times a day then fires her candidates for disagreeing with her. She has the uncanny knack of a week out from an election of doing all things possible to lose it. And she does. Her ace puppet Malcolm Roberts has proven to be a laughing stock.

Views: 86One Nation supporters and medicinal cannabis activists are furious after Pauline Hanson’s One Nation party blocked a motion that would have allowed easier access to medicinal cannabis for the terminally ill. This idiot is totally off the rails again, back flipping on another sensitive point like she back flipsRead More →

Views: 71The West Australian elections are all over done and dusted. There were no real surprises as to the outcome when you think about it, Pauline Hanson and One Nation got totally trashed. You can bet your sweet arse they will get a further hiding in Queensland. At the timeRead More →

Views: 51HANSON OWES SOMEONE MONEY CAVEAT ON HANSON PROPERTY SALE ON GOLD COAST One Nation leader Pauline Hanson is unable to settle on the sale of the Gold Coast apartment she owns with her son Adam amid claims of outstanding legal fees. The ​sale of the two-bedroom apartment ​in BiggeraRead More →

Views: 47Many One Nation Candidates will be quitting and going independent once elected. This I know for fact as I am online friends with many of them. They were shell shocked at this illegal demand for $250,000 surety that they wont leave the party once elected. They are for theRead More →

Views: 103If there is a controversial figure its James Ashby who has been slammed by almost every media outlet and almost every One Nation candidate past or present. His trail of bad taste in peoples mouths extends into many political parties. His behaviour and conduct has not untied anyone, butRead More →

Views: 42It appears the leftie media was about to take a hit at Peter Rogers. Fact is we were happy to take a stand, appears One Nation don’t have the internal fortitude for it. One Nation is imploding fast, Just as Andrew Bolt said a while ago. This is writtenRead More →