
Views: 145 Assistance dogs trained to sniff out low blood sugar in diabetics Assistance dogs are really coming into their own. Pretty much on a daily basis new research is happening and the abilities of our fur babies is really quite extraordinary. Sadly there are still a lot of dogRead More →

Views: 591If there was a self centered egotistical tosser by definition its Elon Musk. Has to be the center of attention everywhere he goes. He runs a totally sham business based on Tesla’s ideas. Fact is Tesla’s ideas wont work based on current technology with what is available. The ownerRead More →

Views: 106So politically correct and oh so much sympathy for “those on love”. Utter nonsense. The fact of the matter is that they are at least three times as likely to die from HIV, prostrate and anal cancer not to mention genital warts. Neither HIV or the cancer can beRead More →

Views: 74Simple, just look at a clock. Wish it was that easy, lets throw into this as to why time, calendars and etc. It becomes a whole new ball game from there on. The clock has hands and slowly tick forward. One day we run out of time, we die.Read More →

Views: 64I put the very simple question to the scientists. When, in the earths history has climate not changed? Now get this, one loony is trying to marry up climate change as a reason we will never have aliens come visit us. I think this whacko has been snorting wayRead More →

Views: 115Britain and America are two countries that, in recent years, have led the world in attempting to give disabled people rights and equality. During his presidency, George Bush Senior was proud to sign the Americans with Disabilities Act while the 1995 Disability Discrimination Act has gradually transformed the livesRead More →

Views: 73The popularity of Novamagic has propelled it from the ten millionth to the seven hundred thousandths most popular website in the world in just six weeks. We Need your help – so I have set up the Facebook Novamagic Community to join. We need an army of volunteers doRead More →

Views: 62Global Warming – Rising CO2 Levels – Methane – Ch4 – Sea Levels – Greenhouse Gases Rising CO2 Levels – Methane – Ch4 – Sea Levels – Greenhouse Gases. Yes the world is buzzing with all of this. Guess what folks, its a big con job. Download the e-bookRead More →

Parramatta bomb hostage siege

Views: 51Parramatta bomb hostage siege – the claytons siege. The siege that never was. Simply another in the long list of NSW Police acts of gross stupidity Parramatta bomb hostage siege -The story goes something like this… On Tuesday September 6th 2011 A man holed up in a Lawyers chambersRead More →