The Blog

this is my daily take on life. my comments, opinions and I dont give a stuff for political correctness in any way. Judges, politicians the lot, you step out of line you get nailed. Gays and lesbian radicals, you are fair game as well. You want to try and tell us how to run this country? You will be told to bugger off and go run your own. Dont try and screw ours up like you did your own.

Views: 44 If your child has died, I am so sorry. I am not “so sorry” in the politely clichĂŠ or automatonic way: I am so sorry in an unspeakable and “there really aren’t words for this” way. In the beginning after catastrophic loss, many will show up in waysRead More →

Views: 73The popularity of Novamagic has propelled it from the ten millionth to the seven hundred thousandths most popular website in the world in just six weeks. We Need your help – so I have set up the Facebook Novamagic Community to join. We need an army of volunteers doRead More →

Views: 39This guy, Defence Minister Stephen Smith, is a dead set idiot. Just like Ranga Gillard. Videos, broadcast on Thursday night by the Seven Network, show soldiers referring to Afghans as “sand coons”, “dune coons”, “niggers” and “smelly locals”. The story in issue here is the soldiers who made theirRead More →

Views: 39Police Commissioner Christine Nixon and her Book – Fair Cop I have looked at this whole thing, studied the history of it, timing, evemts before I wrote this. There seemed something oddly out of place, and their was. There was the sheep mentality, it sounded good so lets hangRead More →

Views: 65Asylum Seeker Children Self Harming. Now we have heard it all. In a recent article on ninemsn it was well reported but… Some facts are missing. Those facts were put in rather well by flockers. The two key people in the article are Australian Medical Association’s Northern Territory presidentRead More →

Views: 110For a lot less than she cost the entire David Jones team could have had an all expenses paid trip to Thailand and had change. This is one gutsy little lady, go get ’em…. David Jones publicist Kristy Fraser-Kirk has reportedly knocked back $8 million to settle her sexualRead More →

Views: 47NZ Refugee Asylum Seeker Dispute… NZ Refugee Asylum Seeker – The blazing headlines read…. The Question remains unanswered – where is their paperwork to get to Indonesia. Where did they get the money. Who organises them to get the boat? Who organises the crew? Come on Indonesia, you areRead More →