Racial Discrimination At Its Worst

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Racial discrimination at its absolute worst

Racial Discrimination at its worst and in an incident shows exactly why Australians are now racist and highly upset. We have in this country a lunatic fringe from the left, Fabians and socialists. The greatest Political football we have is these arseholes that pretend to be refugees – those that are destroying our way of life and telling us how to run the country, and getting away with it. Whats the incident that’s showing this up so that the facts are beyond dispute. Its all about people climbing onto a roof to protest. Actually its 2 incidents, both identical but with very different outcomes.

Neither incident I agree with in any way shape or form. In fact they sicken me.

The first is of the Villawood detention centre and the clowns who have, as of the time of writing, spent 12 days on the roof protesting. And apart from one, show no sign of coming down. And whats happening about it all? Nothing. Just a few people trying to talk them down and it appears a UN delegation is being sent to discuss things with them.

The information we have is that these people have already had their applications rejected so it raises 2 questions. Why are they still here and why are they even being tolerated.

If that isn’t enough, Villawood was set on fire causing an estimated $4 million worth of damages. Not that this is out of the ordinary, Its happened on Christmas Island and other places. These people (if you can call them that) are running riot in Australia.

women protesting on Chris Bowens Roof
women protesting on Chris Bowens Roof

It was simply a matter of time this one. The very same group who support these illegals and demanding action, justice etc have seen the other side of the absolute hypocracy going on in this country.

The story from ninemsn says it all.

On the same day, three women were charged after they allegedly climbed onto the roof of federal immigration minister Chris Bowen’s Sydney office in Fairfield.

The women, who were claiming solidarity with detainees at the Villawood Detention Centre, were removed “without incident” after about three hours and taken to Fairfield police station, where they were charged with resisting arrest and remaining on enclosed land.

Police later on Friday maintained a presence in the area, amid continuing outrage from refugee and detainee supporter groups at the government’s stance on the detention issue.
After 3 hours? Arrested and charged? Why? Are they illegals? Did they burn the place down? Are they caucaseans or coloured Islamics. Are they Australian Citizens or illegal immigrants due for deportation? Where is the difference? Is it possible there is some discrimination in here? Big time. The Australians are being treated like crap and these so called refugees are literally getting away with murder. Ehnic cime is out of control.

This is the gutless socialist government’s reply to it all:

Their protest followed an announcement earlier this week by Chris Bowen that the government would toughen laws to deter violent behaviour at detention centres.

The changes mean anyone convicted of criminal conduct while in immigration detention will automatically be denied a protection visa under character test rules.

Time to take back the country and get rid of these loonies once and for all. The very same idiots are on the receiving end of what the more thinking people complain about yet these clowns are too dumb to see that. I am still gobsmacked by the act of total idiocy by Kevin Rudd during the Queensaland floods, all he want to do was be photographed helping out foreign students. This wanker is so dumb he is oblivious to the stupidity of his actions.

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