Europe Under The UN

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This we think is a little closer to the truth than many would want to believe. It being forced upon us by totally non elected people – the United Nations. Composed mainly of people from backward countries telling the advanced countries to slowly sink down the shithole and become a third world country. This has to stop – that is why there is massive unrest and lots of talk of civil wars engulfing the world. Many will die, mainly those who think they are the elite. They will not escape the execution.

The Social Democratic Workers Party of Latvia (LSDSP)—a communist party dating back to 1918—has been reported to that country’s security police for possible prosecution following the publication of an election poster depicting g the EU as an African tribesman, Latvia as a white woman nursing a mulatto baby, all set against a homo flag.

latvian socialist party europe under the UN

In addition to the tribesman, the blond woman, and the homo flag, the image also shows the national flag of Latvia and a former logo of the national tax agency. The text accompanying the image read “The future of Latvia if, on October 6, nobody will vote for the Latvian Social Democratic Workers’ Party—LSDSP.”

According to a report in the Latvian media, the State Police (VP) has handed over the results of its investigation to the Security Police (DP) for further action after the information about the political advertisement published by the party on Facebook.

The image—which has caused uproar in Latvia amongst the party’s fellow leftists, started last weekend when the LSDSP posted the picture on Facbeook ahead of the October parliamentary elections.

The image is in fact a slight change from the original artwork “The Modern Family” created in 1988 by the German nationalist artist and Luftwaffe veteran Herbert Smagon.


Smagon is well-known for his other works which include images of Allied aircraft bombing Dresden, and Mongol Soviet soldiers raping German women in East Prussia in 1945.

The LSDSP Facebook post was taken down by that party following the objections, but it seems ot have achieved its objective of gaining national publicity at very little outlay.

The LSDSP, which originated as a Menshevik communist party during the time of the great split between the Bolshevik’s and the Mensheviks in Russia, currently has no seats in the national parliament, and has been in decline since it lost its 14 seats which it previously held.

The party has also said that the person who posted the picture has been expelled from its ranks and that the incident will be addressed at an upcoming party session.


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