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This website has been putting up post after post on the refugee issue in Italy and it seems to me there is a real issue of complacency out there. Its been called click bait, fake news and everything else. I have seen it for myself and wake up you lot, it will be in every western country if the UN and EEU have their way. The Fox news clips shows the truth – in part. There are 2 video clips here.
African Muslim invaders have seized more than 100 buildings in Rome and are illegally occupying them, admitted the populist mayor of Rome, Virginia Raggi. The mass chaos and violence that erupted in the wake of last week’s riots, was carried out mainly by Sub-Saharan Muslims, illegally squatting in Italy for the past five years.
Rome is looking into the confiscated buildings after police officers were criticized last week for using water cannons against phony Muslim asylum-seekers. The Muslim freeloaders had camped out on a central piazza after being evicted from a building they had illegally occupied since 2013.
Raggi added that the city government was now looking into the possibility of housing the thousands of African scroungers — who demand food, housing and welfare payments — in buildings confiscated from criminal cartels such as the Mafia. (Oh yeah, that’ll work! Get rid of one set of criminals, and replace them with a group that’s even worse)
Rome authorities are looking into whether buildings confiscated from the mafia can be used to house the illegal Muslim squatters, a move that comes after police were criticized for the violent clashes that erupted as they tried to evacuate a building occupied by invaders.
Mayor Virginia Raggi said city officials were mapping out the confiscated real estate to determine if any buildings were suitable for temporary housing. The U.N. refugee agency denounced the evictions, especially when adequate alternative housing arrangements weren’t provided.
Raggi defended the police action Tuesday and said the city wouldn’t tolerate illegal squatters. She estimated that squatters had occupied about 100 buildings around the capital. Raggi said she had tried to improve the situation, but her year-old administration has been unable to make good on many campaign pledges to fix Rome’s worsening public services, from garbage pileups to potholes.
New Observer Last week’s riots in the Italian capital were the worst since the Muslim invasion of Italy started. More than 800 of the fake refugees threw rocks and bottles at police, while overturning trash cans, and setting fire to mattresses in the Indipendenza square, only a block away from Rome’s main railway station.
Police said they intervened because of intelligence that the Africans planned to use gas canisters and Molotov cocktails after they occupied the square in defiance of an order to leave an office building in which they had been squatting for 5 years.
Most of the Muslim squatters had actually been granted “asylum” by the Italian government. However, they had refused to accept the accommodation offered to them by the city, preferring instead to stay in their self-created slums.