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Muslim gang r
apes are a serious worldwide problem. The very high incidence.
of this worldwide is very scary. Most of it it is covered up through political correctness and people being scared. Its bad enough being raped but add into that being raped by people who repulse you is quite another layer of horrific. There is clearly a conspiracy to allow this to happen without recourse.
This one picture tells the whole story. Its already in Australia

The case is not unique. There is a growing trend of gang-rapes perpetrated against white women by Muslim rapists. In the U.K. there
8 muslim refugees from Afghanistan arrived in Sweden
8 muslim refugees from Afghanistan arrived in Sweden
has been a steady stream of cases where primarily under- privileged young English girls have been targeted, groomed and raped by gangs of what the British press euphemistically refers to as Asian men. However, the published names of the perpetrators are primarily of Pakistan and Afghanistan origin when the gang rapists appear in court. The Asian gangs do not contain rapists from China, Japan, and the Philippines. Cases have been reported in Rochdale, Rotherham, Derby, Bradford, Blackpool – the list goes on. An article regarding the phenomenon in Standpoint notes: “According to some of the mothers, a fear of being branded racist makes many of the police and social services reluctant to investigate the crimes as organised and connected.

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