Views: 45 If your child has died, I am so sorry. I am not “so sorry” in the politely clichĂŠ or automatonic way: I am so sorry in an unspeakable and “there really aren’t words for this” way. In the beginning after catastrophic loss, many will show up in waysRead More →

Views: 23Everybody that is except the Liberal Party. Labor didn’t win, Liberals lost. These wallies wanted Turnbull and Morrison as leaders, from the outset 2 of the publicly least desirable pair they could get. Turnbull started the rot knifing Tony Abbott along with 60 or so other liberal idiots. TheyRead More →

Views: 47 How the Apostles died. Follow Christ as he is without a doubt the saviour of mankind. You think you have it tough, these people fought and died for their beliefs and eventually won. All were horrific violent deaths. The lesson here is very simple, stand firm and neverRead More →

Views: 9 Queensland Police Service facing charges after dozens of officers injured using road spikes Ian Stewart, left, who visited Constable Peter McAulay, middle, was the police commissioner when the officer was injured in 2018. The Queensland Police Service has been charged with breaching workplace health and safety (WH&S) lawsRead More →

Views: 145 Assistance dogs trained to sniff out low blood sugar in diabetics Assistance dogs are really coming into their own. Pretty much on a daily basis new research is happening and the abilities of our fur babies is really quite extraordinary. Sadly there are still a lot of dogRead More →

Views: 496There is no issue about it at all. It is the worlds greatest scam ever, bigger than global warming, climate change the lot. Every Government in the world is up to their necks in it regardless of who you think they are. The corona virus has been around forRead More →

Views: 379 Lets get the facts right, the Holocaust is the second biggest lie ever perpetrated by the Jews. The first biggest is climate change and the whole world has swallowed these hook line and sinker. If they can get away with these two they can get away with anything.Read More →

Views: 591If there was a self centered egotistical tosser by definition its Elon Musk. Has to be the center of attention everywhere he goes. He runs a totally sham business based on Tesla’s ideas. Fact is Tesla’s ideas wont work based on current technology with what is available. The ownerRead More →