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gay pride

“Brandis wants to be loved by the Marxists culturally progressive populists. The standing ovation by Parliament for his weeping rant against Hanson wearing a Burka, tends to suggest he won the point. It also says reams about the sort of repugnant governments we have in power.”

Quote of the week by Ralph Walton – Queensland

Facebook page: Ralph Walton (click here)

Its all about Aussie Values (click here)

What has the above got to do with the SSM plebiscite (click here) – everything actually. The quote has everything to do with everything so don’t be fooled.

traditional marriage

“The same people who are candy to our eyes can be poison to our hearts and minds. Study their ingredients before feeding them to your soul”. Another quote I got from somewhere.

Its a bit hard when a former High Court Judge Michael Kirby (click here) is a gay activist.

We also have high profile sports people throwing their weight around and others who speak their minds and – repeat and industry backs SSM (click here). Now we cannot forget about Starbucks (click here) and their heavy handed disgraceful antics. Now you can see the advantages of a huge website, everything is complete and records kept.

How many times have you seen advertisements with a picture of some poor starving kid somewhere and some charity begging for money. This very same charity is only there to feed itself on massive salaries and rorts. Very very little gets to the people. Some does yes, just so these very same people can “justify” themselves and run advertisements telling us how great they are and give more money. Guess what, I have seen all this in real life.

How often have you seen “oh these poor Islamic women being treated this way”. The very second you take pity on any one of them you have put a noose around your own neck.

A plebiscite is really just an opinion poll – nothing more, nothing less. The danger lies in the fact that the result will be treated as a referendum which is a “poll” to tell the government exactly what it will do. The gay lobby groups will see to it that the plebiscite result will be treated as a referendum. This is all because the gutless Government is running scared of a few ratbags as per the opening quote.

What makes it worse comes from the Canadian and European experiences (click here) on exactly the same issue and the outcomes are horrendous. Gay marriage (click here) gas nothing to do with gays getting married. That is a fact of life. Yes the whole issue has been hosed down on previous referendums yet these lot keep pestering for another shot at what they want to achieve but format it in a different way. They are fully aware that another referendum would produce the same result.

Vote NO It really is important

Gay Marriage
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