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The infamous “St Kilda School Girl“, who’s name has been revealed to be Kim Duthie.
She seems like a normal well adjusted young woman….
The 17-year-old St Kilda schoolgirl who claimed she had sex and had taken drugs with disgraced AFL manager Ricky Nixon now says it was all a lie.
MSN Reports:
In a statement to the AFL Players’ Association (AFLPA) the schoolgirl changed her story and denied that she had had a sexual relationship or took illicit drugs with the deregistered player agent, News Ltd papers say on Thursday. The papers said Nixon was determined to seek damages upwards of $2 million from the AFLPA in light of the revelations.
Some die-hard fans will take the players sides straight away, some people who don’t follow the game as much will take Kim’s side to try and show the players they need to be more careful. All I can take from any of this is that no one at all knows what is going on exactly, so we have to wait until the truth comes out. It could be a long time until the full truth comes out, if it ever does. For now though, most people will just jump on the train for the ride and expect more pictures to be posted or wait until someone comes forward and admits something, whether it is a player or if it is the girl herself.
“I just must be a good liar,” she said, explaining how she beat a lie-detector test.
But in a clip shown after the interview ended, Ms Duthie cast doubt on her latest apology and admission.
“I can tell already that you know, that everything I just said I lied about,” she was captured on camera telling hosts of The 7pm Project after she thought the interview was over.
On a day of dramatic developments, the 17-year-old was this afternoon filmed aggressively pushing a woman who had confronted her over the affair and the impact it had on others. The schoolgirl can be seen retaliating with verbal abuse before fleeing a down a street in St Kilda.
And at the end of the day whats the funny side of it all?
The 17-year-old said she is leasing a house in St Kilda, had paid six months rent in advance and planned to buy it.
Oh Come on – a 17 year old can buy a house? I dont think she is that dumb at all.