
Anything connected with the good old Aussie

Views: 15 Albanese’s infamous ANZAC speech Rod Lampard The Spectator Australia 28 April 2023 A first-time Prime Minister making a gaffe in his first ANZAC Day speech can be overlooked. A first-time Prime Minister using such an important speech to serve his own political interests, should be showered with theRead More →

Views: 5 An extract from Credlin in today’s Sunday Telegraph— “… Whatever the government says about remote representation (on the voice) it’s almost certain to be dominated by city-based activists demanding changes to Australia Day, treaties and reparations, and claiming that problems on the ground are the result of racismRead More →

Views: 10The Yes crowd being lefties woke and Communists for the referendum simply did not factor in the possibility of losing, ever. They pulled every dirty trick in the book, in spite of that were thumped. Beaten into submission. Without the vote fixing tactics the true figure for them wouldRead More →

Views: 11 The Voice – a tidy explanation: A few months ago I spotted [Indigenous Australians Minister] Linda Burney by chance at a Chinese restaurant. It gave rise to a hypothetical conversation — what if a waiter explained the menu to Burney in the manner she responds to questions aboutRead More →

Views: 20 Time to make a stand. Clare Nowland will have been buried by now may she rest in peace a beautiful lady taken from this earth. I somehow feel responsible! How can that be you think! In some way we are all responsible for her death? 1. When ZoeRead More →

Views: 9 WHO WOULD WANT TO BE AN AUSTRALIAN SOLDIER? “Good men sleep peacefully in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.” – George Orwell. The difference between our Australian SAS soldiers and Islamic jihadists is we defame and prosecute ourRead More →

Views: 45 If your child has died, I am so sorry. I am not “so sorry” in the politely cliché or automatonic way: I am so sorry in an unspeakable and “there really aren’t words for this” way. In the beginning after catastrophic loss, many will show up in waysRead More →

Views: 47 How the Apostles died. Follow Christ as he is without a doubt the saviour of mankind. You think you have it tough, these people fought and died for their beliefs and eventually won. All were horrific violent deaths. The lesson here is very simple, stand firm and neverRead More →