ethnic (Page 12)

Anything concerning ethnic, be it good or bad

Views: 163Ian Rintoul is right up there with any radical. His thoughts are that the project of building an electoral alliance only has a meaning for revolutionaries to the extent that it aids “the construction of a mass revolutionary party. Revoltionaries – isn’t that a Marxist term? Who Is IanRead More →

Views: 47NZ Refugee Asylum Seeker Dispute… NZ Refugee Asylum Seeker – The blazing headlines read…. The Question remains unanswered – where is their paperwork to get to Indonesia. Where did they get the money. Who organises them to get the boat? Who organises the crew? Come on Indonesia, you areRead More →

Views: 38Refugee Issue Revisited… Most of these people are NOT refugees at all, lets get the facts right. What have we seen since Gillard and Rudd have got in power. Nothing but ongoing trouble – hatred toward all over the issue. I know for fact a lot of employers refuseRead More →

Views: 64Bali Nine Mule Andrew Chan is to cop a bullet, serves him right and in my view the rest should have copped it as well. Eight Kilos of heroin is not exactly personal use in any form, or one hell of a habit. You may also like Police MurderingRead More →

Views: 35Let us take a look at the person at the centre of all this. Her name is Naz Humphreys, a British national of Pakistani Origin… My understanding of all this is that the Hobbits in the book were in fact of caucasean background. Naz appears to think she isRead More →

Views: 57It had to happen, its out in the open now, and no going back. It was always said we dont want Islamics in this country, all the social do gooders and bleeding hearts have now really stuffed the country. The fact of the matter is these clowns will neverRead More →

Views: 54British Riots vs. Australian Illegal Immigrants – Spot The Difference.   Sorry to have to tell you this however there isnt any difference. Mostly Black, Islamic and have little sense. Destruction and violence are their weapons to intimidate us. The difference is only the British ones have their freedom,Read More →

Views: 29On Fiona Byrne, Bob Brown and the Greens. I believe you are (was) the Mayor of Marrickville? A local government person? Libraries, senior citizens centres, baby health centres, rubbish removal and street sweeping. Fiona Byrne, Bob Brown & The Greens Fiona Byrne is the sort of person you takeRead More →

Views: 35On Bob Brown – Greens Bob Brown – Former Green Party Leader… The Great Illegal Immigrant Circus Bob Brown, come on mate. you did a great thing with the Franklin River issue but sadly you have hit your use by date. Your party and beliefs have been hijacked byRead More →

Views: 37The Greens At It Again, particularly Senator Sarah Hanson-Young. The Greens have slammed any proposal by the federal government to process asylum seekers in Pacific nations. As if Labor particularly Julia Gillard hasn’t screwed it all badly enough with letting the rooftop reffos rubbish here in the first place,Read More →