ethnic (Page 13)

Anything concerning ethnic, be it good or bad

Views: 35Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani – Iranian Woman Stoning – All I can say is stone the ungrateful bitch – She deserves everything she gets. Why try and help these idiots at all? It basically shows how born stupid these lot are. What is she expecting – some kind of mercy?Read More →

Views: 53Teresa Gambaro Liberal? As Australia works to stem the flow of asylum seekers landing on its shores, the nation should be more supportive of other new arrivals, some of whom may be the victims of xenophobia. Comment: Correction Teresa, it has gone from 3 a year to one everyRead More →

Views: 65Australians Criticized By Iranian Criminals An Iranian illegal – claiming to a be refugee, has criticized Auatralia and the Australian Navy for not doing our job better. While giving evidence at a coronial inquest, the man, who cannot be named, criticised the Australian navy for not detecting their vesselRead More →

Views: 65Racial discrimination at its absolute worst Racial Discrimination at its worst and in an incident shows exactly why Australians are now racist and highly upset. We have in this country a lunatic fringe from the left, Fabians and socialists. The greatest Political football we have is these arseholes thatRead More →