ethnic (Page 3)

Anything concerning ethnic, be it good or bad

Views: 95This Barcelona incident is simply another in the long list of Islamic bad behaviour. For the self righteous who say its an isolated incident and not all Islamic’s are like that I say to you bullshit. They are all like that, most simply haven’t shown their true colors yet.Read More →

Views: 98RICE – I want all Muslims to know that the Australian Greens support them – She said ALL folks, that includes terrorists Greens Senator Janet Rice: Today around the world Muslims are coming under attack from all sides. They are being attacked and killed by terrorists in their homeRead More →

Views: 64In one simple meme the whole case is now closed. Novamagic endorses giving Islamic.s their rights the same as Christians get in their countries. They run by the rule of an eye for an eye and we pride ourselves on equal rights, ask any gay who demands equality etcRead More →