general (Page 8)


Views: 53Golden Circle Beetroot by Heinz. This has gone far enough. Beetroot, dear to the heart of every Australian. No self respecting Aussie would ever consider having a hamburger without beetroot on it. As humble as it is, a wonderful tasting vegetable. Like passionfruit, its something we all love.  Read More →

Views: 39Police Commissioner Christine Nixon and her Book – Fair Cop I have looked at this whole thing, studied the history of it, timing, evemts before I wrote this. There seemed something oddly out of place, and their was. There was the sheep mentality, it sounded good so lets hangRead More →

Views: 62One of the most fascinating experiences you will ever have. Up close and personal with the pelicans. Located at a place called “The Entrance” about 80 minutes drive north from Sydney NSW Australia. A great tourist attraction. Its a daily event, taking place at about 3pm every day. DoesntRead More →

Views: 33Up Shit Creek Without a Paddle. How often have you heard or used that one. Obviously you have never been to Shit Creek or if you have, the fact that you dont have a paddle is your own fault. The evidence is perfectly clear. So folks, that one moreRead More →

Views: – the standard of reporting… In this story about Brad, Jennifer and Angelina… The picture is titled “Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie in 2004. (AAP)” Now anyone can make a mistake however these journo’s with their university degrees simply make way too many mistakes. Doesn’t anyone thereRead More →

Views: 55Australia’s Future – Former Labor Minister Julian Amos Former Labor minister Julian Amos interviewed 60 Tasmanian CEOs, union leaders, heads of peak industry bodies, economists, heads of government agencies and political commentators and came up with a damning assessment of the state’s economy. This is what he wrote about Tasmania,Read More →

Views: 30This whole thing sounds very suspicious to me… Here are all these experts running around, complete with sniffer dogs, presumably bomb sniffers, and for 10 hours they couldn’t work out it wasn’t real? The bomb was a fake? We have the military at their disposal they defuse improvised bombsRead More →