military (Page 2)

anything connected with the military anywhere

Views: 63Its not about same sex marriage, its not about safe schools, its not about anti Islam, its all about Aussie values. That’s where the true issue lies. The mateship, the willingness to help those in need, there comes a time when we say enough is e-bloody-nough. That time hasRead More →

Views: 73Australian Legacy bigger than all of us will ever be.If anyone wants to try and discredit or destroy the Australian Military you are going to have to get past these good people. I hold the view they are the backbone of it all. If there was a reason toRead More →

Views: 73Australia The Great Southern Land Australia Great Southern Land of contrast, floods, fire, drought all at once somewhere on the same day. We are a proud nation, nothing came easy – we have our proud Military day, April 25th where we honour those who fought and died for us.Read More →

wear red on friday

Views: 36Wear red on Friday in support of all our troops. Where did all this start – I really do not know. Someone had a bright idea to show support for our troops by wearing a red shirt every Friday. I guess the best thing written about it is onRead More →

Views: 39This guy, Defence Minister Stephen Smith, is a dead set idiot. Just like Ranga Gillard. Videos, broadcast on Thursday night by the Seven Network, show soldiers referring to Afghans as “sand coons”, “dune coons”, “niggers” and “smelly locals”. The story in issue here is the soldiers who made theirRead More →

Views: 38Refugee Issue Revisited… Most of these people are NOT refugees at all, lets get the facts right. What have we seen since Gillard and Rudd have got in power. Nothing but ongoing trouble – hatred toward all over the issue. I know for fact a lot of employers refuseRead More →

Views: 130The owner of this site is an ex Commando – Its not the Commando’s that are killing the children, its the left wing looneys like McDade. There is no way these clowns will ever control Commandos. We cannot be controlled. If you are looking for the petition support ofRead More →

Views: 75Law Firm DLA Piper (formerly DLA Phillips Fox) is being commissioned to undertake an external enquiry into all forms of abuse in the Defence Forces. Stephen Smith, Defence Minister has organised this… Big trouble ahead folks.       Mr Smith said that would put the government in aRead More →

Views: 30This whole thing sounds very suspicious to me… Here are all these experts running around, complete with sniffer dogs, presumably bomb sniffers, and for 10 hours they couldn’t work out it wasn’t real? The bomb was a fake? We have the military at their disposal they defuse improvised bombsRead More →