
anything connected with oh&s or wh&s or whatever you want to call it

Views: 272Some people just don’t get it. We all give Government Departments a pasting when they screw up however when they do a great job it also has to be said as well. Gender stereotypes, what a crock of shit. Signage is by international convention and where there is noRead More →

Views: 81If there was ever a garbage scow on the ocean it is the P&O ship Pacific Pearl. Within 2 hours of sailing the lady I was with and I wanted to get off, things were that bad. Makes the Pacific Jewel look great this boat does. It was aRead More →

Views: 62Global Warming – Rising CO2 Levels – Methane – Ch4 – Sea Levels – Greenhouse Gases Rising CO2 Levels – Methane – Ch4 – Sea Levels – Greenhouse Gases. Yes the world is buzzing with all of this. Guess what folks, its a big con job. Download the e-bookRead More →

Views: 42First off, we all pass on our deepest thoughts to the relatives and families of our NZ and Australian friends who lost their lives. In spite of the good natured sledging and banter New Zealand and Australia are very much blood brothers. Thats why the word ANZAC exists. ThereRead More →